argument was under way in the japanese cabinet in the summer of 1945 as to the possibility of surrender. the dropping of the atom bomb quickly settled this debate読み方
- argument was under way in the japanese cabinet in the summer of 1945 as to the possibility of surrender. the dropping of the atom bomb quickly settled this debateの英語:降伏するかどうかについて 1945 年の夏に日本政府で議論が戦わされていたが, 原子爆弾の投下で急きょこの討論に決着がついた
- argument was under way in the japanese cabinet in the summer of 1945 as to the possibility of surrender. the dropping of the atom bomb quickly settled this debateの意味:降伏するかどうかについて 1945 年の夏に日本政府で議論が戦わされていたが, 原子爆弾の投下で急きょこの討論に決着がついた